

Górka M., Bezyk Y., Malinowska M., Sówka I., Rezler M., Lewandowska A., 2025, Chemical and isotopic genesis of fine and ultra-fine aerosols in the coastalurban atmosphere, Science  of The Total Environment, 967 (2025) 178823


Bezyk Y., Górka M., Kruszewski Ł., Nęcki J., Sówka I., Jońca J., Jagoda P., Widory D., 2024, Detecting and sourcing GHGs and atmospheric trace gases in a municipal waste treatment plant using coupled chemistry and isotope compositions., Waste Management 190 (2024) 382–397

Górka, M., Pilarz, A., Modelska, M., Drzeniecka-Osiadacz, A., Potysz, A., & Widory, D. (2024). Urban Single Precipitation Events: A Key for Characterizing Sources of Air Contaminants and the Dynamics of Atmospheric Chemistry Exchanges. Water, 16 (2024), 3701


Górka M., Trzyna A., Lewandowska A., Drzeniecka-Osiadacz A., Miazga B., Rybak J., Widory D., 2023, The impact of seasonality and meteorological conditions on PM2.5 carbonaceous fractions coupled with carbon isotope analysis: Advantages, weaknesses and interpretation pitfalls, Atmospheric Research, 290 (2023) 10680

Trzyna A., Rybak J., Górka M., Olszowski T., Kamińska J., Węsierski T., Majder-Łopatka M., 2023, Comparison of active and passive methods for atmospheric particulate matter collection: From case study to a useful biomonitoring tool, Chemosphere, 334 (2023) 139004

Bezyk Y., Dorodnikov M., Górka M., Sówka I., Sawiński T., 2023, Temperature and soil moisture control CO2 flux and CH4 oxidation in urban ecosystems, Geochemistry, 83 (2023) 125989

Bezyk Y., Górka M., Sówka I., Nęcki J., Strąpoć D.,  2023, Temporal dynamics and controlling factors of CO2 and CH4 variability in the urban atmosphere of Wroclaw, Poland, Science of The Total Environment, 893 (2023) 164771


Trzyna A., Rybak J., Bartz W., Górka M., 2022, Health risk assessment in the vicinity of a copper smelter: particulate matter collected on a spider web., Mineralogia  Vol. 53, Pages 36–50

Ciężka M.M., Górka M., Trzyna A., Modelska M., Łubek A. and Widory D. (2022): The multi-isotope biogeochemistry (S, C, N and Pb) of Hypogymnia physodes lichens: air quality approach in the Świętokrzyski National Park, Poland, Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 58 (4-6): 340-362

Górka M.
Bezyk Y., Strąpoć D., Nęcki. J. (2022): The origin of GHG's emission from self-heating coal waste dump: Atmogeochemical interactions and environmental implications. International Journal of Coal Geology, 250 (2022): 103912

Bezyk Y., Sówka I., Górka M., Nęcki. J., (2022): Spatial and temporal patterns of methane uptake in the urban environment. Urban Climate, 41 (2022) 101073


Górka M., Bezyk Y. and Sówka I.,(2021): Assessment of GHG Interactions in the Vicinity of the Municipal Waste Landfill Site—Case Study. Energies 2021 14(24): 8259

Stojanowska A.
Górka M.Lewandowska A.U., Wiśniewska K., Modelska M., Widory D., (2021): Can Abies alba Needles Be Used as Bio-passive Samplers to Assess Air Quality?. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, Vol. 21 Iss. 11: 210097

Bezyk Y., Sówka I., Górka M., (2021): Assessment of urban CO2 budget: Anthropogenic and
biogenic inputs. Urban Climate, 39 (2021) 100949

Stojanowska A., Mach T., Olszowski T., Bihałowicz J.S., Górka M., Rybak J., Rajfur M. and Świsłowski P., (2021): Air Pollution Research Based on Spider Web and Parallel Continuous Particulate Monitoring — A Comparison Study Coupled with Identification of Sources. Minerals, 2021 11(8): 812

Bezyk Y., Sówka I., Górka M., and Blachowski J. (2021): GIS-Based Approach to Spatio-Temporal Interpolation of Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations in Limited Monitoring Dataset. Atmosphere, 2021 12(3): 384

Bartz W., Górka M., Rybak J., Rutkowski R, Stojanowska A. (2021): The assessment of effectiveness of SEM- EDX and ICP-MS methods in the process of determining the mineralogical and geochemical composition of particulate matter deposited on spider webs,
Chemosphere, 278 (2021):130454

Ciesielczuk J., Górka M., Fabiańska M.J., Misz-Kennan M, Jura D. (2021): The influence of heating on the carbon isotope composition, organic geochemistry and petrology of coal from the Upper Silesian Coal Basin (Poland): An experimental and field study,
International Journal of Coal Geology, 241 (2021): 103749


Górka M., Kosztowniak E., Lewandowska A.U., Widory D., 2020, Carbon isotope compositions and TC/OC/EC levels in atmospheric PM10 from Lower Silesia (SW Poland): Spatial variations, seasonality, sources and implications, Atmospheric Pollution Research, 11 (2020) : 1099-1114

Górka M., Bartz W., Skuridina A., Potysz A. (2020): Populus nigra Italica Leaves as a Valuable Tool for Mineralogical and Geochemical Interpretation of Inorganic Atmospheric Aerosols’ Genesis. Atmosphere 2020, 11(10): 1126


Ciężka M.M., Górka M., Modelska M., Tyszka R., Samecka-Cymerman A., Lewińska A., Łubek A., Widory D., 2018, The coupled study of metal concentrations and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) of lichens (Hypogymnia physodes) from the Świętokrzyski National Park—environmental implications, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25:25348–25362  

Górka M., Bartz W., Rybak J., 2018, The mineralogical interpretation of particulate matter deposited on Agelenidae and Pholcidae spider webs in the city of Wrocław (SW Poland): A preliminary case study, Journal of Aerosol Science, 123, 63-75


Górka M., Skrzypek G., Hałas S., Jędrysek M.O., Strąpoć D., 2017. Multi-seasonal pattern in 5-year record of stable H, O and S isotope compositions of precipitation (Wrocław, SW Poland), Atmospheric Environment, 158, 197-210


Ciężka M, Kossowska M., Paneth P., Górka M.,  2016, Carbon, Nitrogen and Sulphur concentration and δ13C, δ15N values in Hypogymnia physodes within the montane area – preliminary data, DOI: 10.1515/georec-2016-0004, Geosci. Rec.3–1:24–32

Ciężka M, Modelska M., Górka M., Trojanowska-Olichwer A., Widory D., 2016, Chemical and isotopic interpretation of major ion composition of precipitation: a one-year temporal monitoring study in Wrocław, SW Poland, Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 73: 61-80

Kosztowniak E., Ciężka M., Zwoździak A., Górka M., 2016, OC/EC from PM10 in the vicinity of Turów lignite open-pit mine (SW Poland): carbon isotopic approach, Atmospheric Pollution Research, 7 (2016) : 40-48


Kosior G., Ciężka M., Górka M., Samecka-Cymerman A., Kolon K., Kempers A.J., Jędrysek M.-O., 2015, δ34S values and S concentrations in native and transplanted Pleurozium schreberi in a heavy industrialized area, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 118: 112-117


Górka M., Rybicki M., Simoneit B.R.T. Marynowski L., 2014, Determination of multiple organic matter sources in aerosol PM10 from Wrocław, Poland using molecular and stable carbon isotope compositions, Atmospheric Environment, 89: 739-748

Górka M., Lewicka-Szczebak D., Fuß R., Jakubiak  M. and Jędrysek M. O., 2014, Dynamics and origin of atmospheric CH4 in a Polish metropolitan area characterized by wetlands., Applied Geochemistry, 45: 72-81


Górka M., Lewicka-Szczebak D., 2013, One-year spatial and temporal monitoring of concentration and carbon isotopic composition of atmospheric CO2 in a Wrocław (SW Poland) city area, Applied Geochemistry, 35:7-13


Górka M., Zwolińska E., Malkiewicz. M., Lewicka-Szczebak D. and Jędrysek M.-O., 2012, Carbon and nitrogen isotopic analysis coupled with palynological data of PM10 in Wrocław city (SW Poland) – assessment of anthropogenic impact, Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 48 (02): 327-344

Mayer W., Jędrysek M.-O., Górka M., Drzewicki W., Mochnacka K., Pieczka A., 2012, Preliminary results of sulphur isotope studies on sulfides from selected ore deposits and occurrences in the Karkonosze–Izera Massif (the Sudety Mts., Poland)., Mineralogia  Vol. 43, Issue 3-4, Pages 213–222


Górka M., Jędrysek M.O, Lewicka-Szczebak D. and Krajniak J., 2011, Mineralogical and oxygen isotopic composition of inorganic dust fall in Wrocław (SW Poland) urban area – test of a new monitoring tool , Geological Quarterly  55(1) : 71-80

Górka M., Sauer P. E., Lewicka-Szczebak D. and Jędrysek M.-O., 2011, Carbon isotope signature of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in precipitation and atmospheric CO2, Environmental Pollution, 159:294-301


Zwoździak A., Górka M., Sówka I., Lewicka-Szczebak D., Zwoździak J., Jędrysek M.O.,  Air pollution origin using PM10 data and CO2 isotopic analysis., Polish J. of Environ. Stud., Vol.19.No.6 (2010): 1345-1352


Lewicka-Szczebak D., Trojanowska A., Drzewicki W., Górka M., Jędrysek M.-O., Jezierski P., Kurasiewicz M. and Krajniak J., 2009, Sources and sinks of sulphate dissolved in lake water of a dam reservoir: S and O isotopic approach, Applied Geochemistry, 24:1941-1950

Górka M., Jędrysek M.O., Maj J., Worobiec A., Buczyńska A., Stefaniak E., Krata A., Van Grieken R., Zwoździak A., Sówka I., Zwoździak J. and Lewicka-Szczebak D., 2009, Comparative assessment of air quality in two health resorts using carbon isotopes and palynological analyses, Atmospheric Environment, 43:  682-688


Worobiec A., Zwoździak A., Sówka I., Zwoździak J., Stefaniak E.A., Buczyńska A., Krata A., Van Meel K., Van Grieken R., Górka M., Jędrysek M.O., 2008, Historical air pollution changes in the tri-border region of Poland, Czech Republic and Germany, Environment Protection Engineering Vol.34 No.4: 81-90

Górka M., Jędrysek M.O., Strąpoć D.,2008, Isotopic composition of sulphates from meteoric precipitation as an indicator of pollutant origin in Wrocław (SW Poland), Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 44 (02): 177 - 188

Górka M., Jędrysek M.O., 2008, ð13C in organic atmospheric dust deposited at Wrocław (SW Poland): critical remarks on the passive method, Geological Quarterly ,  52 (2): 115-126

Lewicka-Szczebak D., Trojanowska A, Górka M., Jędrysek M.-O.,2008, Sulphur isotope mass balance of dissolved sulphate ion in a freshwater dam reservoir, Environmental Chemistry Letters, 6: 169-173


Szynkiewicz A., Górka M. i Jędrysek M.O., 2004, Geneza węglanów rozproszonych w bazaltach trzeciorzędowych: badania izotopowe węgla i tlenu., Przegląd Geologiczny, vol. 52, nr 11, 2004: 1043-1050