29th Meeting of the Petrology group of the Mineralogical Society of Poland, 16-20 October 2024, Bobrovec, Slovakia, Górka M., Bezyk Y., Kruszewski Ł., Nęcki J., Sówka I., Jońca J., Jagoda P., Widory D., 2023, Isotope and chemical study of atmospheric greenhouse gases and other traces in a municipal waste treatment plant, Mineralogia – Special Papers 54: 55

EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, Bezyk, Y., Szurgacz, D., Strąpoć, D., Górka, M., Nęcki, J., Sówka, I., van der Veen, C., Röckmann, T., Zimnoch, M., Jagoda, P., and Bartyzel, J., 2024, Isotope tracing the coalbed methane migration from the underground longwall coal face to the surface of mining area. EGU24-12772, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-12772

ACTRIS Science Conference 2024, May 13-16, 2024 - Rennes, France, Drzeniecka-Osiadacz A., Di Marco C., Górka M., Sawiński T., Kryza M., Werner M., Leeson S., Mullinger N., Bartz W., Modzel P., Klejnowski K., Syrzycki M., Bratkowski J., Stachlewska I., Jabłońska M., 2024, Chemical compositions and sources contribution of urban aerosols during winter in Wrocław, Poland. https://virtual.oxfordabstracts.com/event/4890/submission/281?session=108668&s=241


4th Symposium “Air Quality and Health”, 03-05.07.2023Wrocław, Poland, Bezyk Y., Górka M., Kruszewski Ł., Nęcki J., Sówka I., Jagoda P., 2023, Stable isotopic signatures of methane from solid waste treatment facilitiesSymposium “Air Quality and Health” Book of Abstracts, 2023: 29

9th Meeting of the Mineralogical Society of Poland, 28th Meeting of the Petrology group of the Mineralogical Society of Poland, 19-22 October 2023, Bielawa, Poland, Górka M., Bezyk Y., Malinowska M., Sówka I., Lewandowska A., 2023, The deciphering of chemical and isotopic genesis and fluctuations of fine and ultra-fine PMx in the coastal area of Tri-city (Poland), Mineralogia – Special Papers 51: 66


5th Polish Scientific Networks conference - Climate Change: Science & Society, Wroclaw, Poland, 28-30.10.2022, Bezyk Y., Sówka I., Górka M., Nęcki J., 2022, Seasonal Variations of CO2 and CH4 and Their Carbon Isotope Composition in the Urban AtmosphereBook of Abstracts, 2022: 92

XXVII Meeting of the Petrology Group of the Mineralogical Society of Poland20-23 October 2022, Rudy, Poland, Górka M., Trzyna A., Lewandowska A., Drzeniecka-Osiadacz A., Miazga B., Widory D., 2022, The impact of seasonality and meteorological conditions on PM2.5 carbonaceous fractions: advantages, weaknesses and interpretation pitfalls, Mineralogia – Special Papers 50: 48


3rd Symposium “Air Quality and Health”, Wrocław, 12-14.05.2021Górka M.Bezyk Y., Strąpoć D., Nęcki J., 2021, GHG’S carbon isotopes and mixing ratio from self-heating coal waste dump: geochemical interactions and environmental implicationsSymposium “Air Quality and Health” Book of Abstracts, 2021: 16

3rd Symposium “Air Quality and Health”, Wrocław, 12-14.05.2021, Stojanowska A., Bartz W., Górka M., Rybak J., Rutkowski R., 2021, The assessment of effectiveness of SEM- EDX and ICP-MS methods in the process of determining the mineralogical and geochemical composition of particulate matter deposited on spider websSymposium “Air Quality and Health” Book of Abstracts, 2021: 33

3rd Symposium “Air Quality and Health”, Wrocław, 12-14.05.2021Bezyk Y., Sówka I., Górka M., Sawiński T., 2021, The temperature and moisture sensitivity of soil GHG respiration under different urban land useSymposium “Air Quality and Health” Book of Abstracts, 2021: 56


XXVI Meeting of the Petrology Group of the Mineralogical Society of Poland, 24-27 October 2019, Chęciny, Poland, 2019, Górka M., Bartz W., Skuridina A., Potysz A., 2019, Mineralogical and geochemical interpretation of atmospheric aerosols collected on Populus nigra Italica leaves in the JSC Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Combine (Uzbekistan) area, Mineralogia – Special Papers 49: 41

29th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, 1-6 September 2019, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2019, Misz-Kennan M., Górka M., Fabiańska M., Ciesielczuk J. and Jura D., 2019, Changes in organic geochemistry and carbon isotope composition of dispersed organic matter heated in closed and open systems, IMOG: DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201903018

ESIR Isotope Workshop XV, June 23-27, 2019, Lublin, Poland – Górka M., Kosztowniak E. and Lewandowska A., 2019, Determination of environmental anthropogenic pressure in Lower Silesia (SW Poland) based on carbon isotopic and TC/OC/EC ratio approach in atmospheric PM10, Book of Abstracts: 75-76

ESIR Isotope Workshop XV, June 23-27, 2019, Lublin, Poland – Stojanowska A., Górka M. and Lewandowska A., 2019, Air quality assessment in Świętokrzyski National Park (Poland) based on OC/EC concentration and carbon isotopic composition of atmospheric dust and bio-passive indicator Abies Alba needles, Book of Abstracts: 113-115

ESIR Isotope Workshop XV, June 23-27, 2019, Lublin, Poland – Górka M. and Czabaj S., 2019, Monitoring of food adulteration - quality control of bee honeys, Book of Abstracts: 126-128

ESIR Isotope Workshop XV, June 23-27, 2019, Lublin, Poland –  Górka M., Ciesielczuk J., Fabiańska M. J., Misz-Kennan M., Jura D.,  2019, The influence of temperature on carbon isotope composition and organic geochemistry of coal from Upper Silesian coal basin: an experimental study, Book of Abstracts: 129-130


XXV Meeting of the Petrology Group of the Mineralogical Society of Poland, 25-28 October 2018, Brunów, Poland, 2018, Ciesielczuk J., Górka M., Jura D., Fabiańska M. J. Misz-Kennan M., 2018, Stable carbon isotopes of bituminous coals from Upper Silesian Coal Basin (Poland) in comparison with their geochemistry and organic petrography, Mineralogia – Special Papers 48: 43

70th Annual Meeting of the International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology, 23–29 September 2018, Brisbane, Australia, 2018, Misz-Kennan M., Fabiańska M., Górka M., Ciesielczuk J. and Jura D., 2018, Changes in organic petrography, stable carbon isotopes, and geochemistry in experimentally-heated bituminous coals of variable rank (Upper Silesian Coal Basin, Poland),  Abstract Book: 44-45


2nd Symposium “Air Quality and Health” 2017, Wrocław 12 – 14.06.2017, Kosztowniak E., Górka M., Witkowska A., Lewandowska A., 2017, The comprehensive estimation of carbonaceous pollution sources in PM10 of Lower SilesiaSymposium “Air Quality and Health” Book of Abstracts, 2017: 66

XXIV Session of the Petrology Group of the Mineralogical Society of Poland will be organized jointly with the Subcomission of Micromorphology and Soil Mineralogy of the Soil Science Society of Poland 19-22 October 2017, Pawłowice, Poland, 2017, Górka M., Bilińska D., Drzeniecka-Osiadacz M., Korzystka-Muskała M., Modzel P., Muskał P., Sawiński T., 2017, Greenhous gases (CO2/CH4) as a potential indicators of pollutants in local atmosphere: Karpacz city (SW Poland) case study, Mineralogia-Special Papers 47: 29

XXIV Session of the Petrology Group of the Mineralogical Society of Poland will be organized jointly with the Subcomission of Micromorphology and Soil Mineralogy of the Soil Science Society of Poland 19-22 October 2017, Pawłowice, Poland, 2017, Górka M.2017, STOP 1: Geochemical-isotopic monitoring of the atmospheric natural and anthropogenic components as a quality assessment tool for the environment. Fieldtrip Guide “Geology in the city – Mineralogical and isotopic aspects of Wrocław”, Mineralogia-Special Papers 47: 93-100


XXIII Meeting of the Petrology Group of the Mineralogical Society of Poland 20-23 October 2016, Stara Morawa, Poland, Ciężka M., Tyszka R., Łubek A., Lewińska A., Jezierski A., Widory D., Górka M., 2016, Influence of the atmospheric gaseous pollutants (SO2, NO2) on heavy metals and free radicals concentration in lichen Hypogymnia physodes: Świętokrzyski National Park case study, Mineralogia – Special Papers 45: 45-46

XXIII Meeting of the Petrology Group of the Mineralogical Society of Poland 20-23 October 2016, Stara Morawa, Poland, Górka M., Skrzypek G., Hałas S., Jędrysek M.-O., Strąpoć D., 2016, Five-year record of stable sulphur isotope compositions in precipitation reveals multi-seasonal pattern (Wrocław, SW Poland), 
Mineralogia – Special Papers 45: 68


IX Meeting of the Mineralogical Society of Poland combined with the XXII Session of the Petrology Section PTMin, the III Session of the Geochemistry Section PTMin and the VII Nationwide Conference “Petrological and mineralogical studies in geology”,“Contemporary challenges in the mineralogical sciences” 8-11 October 2015, Sandomierz, Poland, 2015, Ciężka M., Górka M., Widory D., Łubek A., 2015, Assessing seasonal variations of atmospheric deposition in the Świętokrzyski National Park: A multi isotope approach on lichens, Mineralogia – Special Papers 44: 31


IX Meeting of the Mineralogical Society of Poland combined with the XXII Session of the Petrology Section PTMin, the III Session of the Geochemistry Section PTMin and the VII Nationwide Conference “Petrological and mineralogical studies in geology”,“Contemporary challenges in the mineralogical sciences” 8-11 October 2015, Sandomierz, Poland, 2015, Kosztowniak E., Górka M., 2015, Assessing environmental anthropogenic pressure in Lower Silesia based on atmospheric PM10: carbon isotopic and OC/EC ratio approach, Mineralogia – Special Papers 44: 59

ISOTOPES 2015, Jerusalem 21-26 June 2015, Ciężka M., Górka M., Widory D., Lewińska A., Jezierski A., 2015, Assessing anthropressure in the Świętokrzyski National Park: An approach coupling stable isotope and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) analyses of lichen (Hypogymnia physodes), Conference "Isotopes 2015 Isotope effects across disciplines" Book of Abstracts, 2015: 52-53

7emes Journées Jeunes Chercheurs de la SFIS, Montreal 29 Avril - 1ER Mai 2015, Ciężka M., Widory D., Górka M., 2015, Usefulness of isotopic analyses of bioindicators for assessing anthropogenic impact in the Świętokrzyski National Park, Conference "7emes Journées Jeunes Chercheurs de la SFIS" Book of Abstracts, 2015: 34

AGU-GAC-MAC-CGU 2015 Joint Assembly, Montreal 3-7 May 2015, Ciężka M., Górka M., Widory D., 2015, Isotopic analyses of Hypogymnia physodes (C, N, S, Pb) as a tool for assessing anthropopressure in the Świętokrzyski National Park (Poland), Book of Abstracts, Abstract ID: 34802, p.131

Symposium “Air Quality and Health” 2015, Wrocław 16 – 17.04.2015, Kosztowniak E., Górka M., 2015, Assessing environmental anthropogenic pressure in Lower Silesia basing on total carbon isotopic analysis (TC) and quantitative analysis of organic carbon and elemental (OC and EC) in the PM10, Symposium “Air Quality and Health” Book of Abstracts, 2015: 13-14

Symposium “Air Quality and Health” 2015, Wrocław 16 – 17.04.2015, Ciężka M., Widory D., Górka M., 2015, Tracing pathways of Pb atmospheric contamination using isotope analysis of bioindicatorsSymposium “Air Quality and Health” Book of Abstracts, 2015: 43-44


XVth International Conference of Young Geologists Herl’any 2014,Międzybrodzie Żywieckie, Rybicki M., Górka M., Marynowski L.,  2014, Organic matter sources in aerosol PM10 from Wrocław, Poland, Geology, Geophysics and Environment, 2014 vol 40(1): 122


20th Meeting of the Petrology Group of the Mineralogical Society of Poland, Niemcza, Poland, October 17-20, 2013, Zwolińska E., Górka M., 2013, Carbons in a carbon – analyses of organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) in PM10 dust., Mineralogia – Special Papers 41: 93


20th Meeting of the Petrology Group of the Mineralogical Society of Poland, Niemcza, Poland, October 17-20, 2013, Górka M., Ciężka M., Winiszewska A., Łubek A., Paneth P., Widory D., 2013, Assessing anthropogenic pressure on the Świętokrzyski National Park  preliminary results from a SCN multi-isotope approach from bioindicators, Mineralogia – Special Papers 41: 43

26th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry (IMOG 2013), Costa Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands (Spain), September 16-20, 2013., Rybicki M., Górka M., Marynowski L., 2013, Identification and origin of organic compounds in PM10 aerosol particles from Wrocław, Poland., 26th IMOG Organic Geochemistry: trends for the 21st Century - Vol. 1,  pp. 344 -345, 2013


JESIUM 2012, 2-7 September 2012, Leipzig, Germany, Górka M., Lewicka-Szczebak D., Fuss R. and  Jędrysek M.-O., 2012, One-year spatial and temporal monitoring of concentration and carbon isotopic composition of atmospheric CO2 and CH4 in a Polish city area, JESIUM 2012, pp. 112-113

JESIUM 2012, 2-7 September 2012, Leipzig, Germany, Ciężka M., Modelska M., Górka M., Jędrysek M.-O. and Staśko S., 2012, Origin of major ion constituents in precipitaion using chemical and isotopic observations in 2010 in Wroclaw (SW Poland), JESIUM 2012, pp. 112-113

The 2nd Conference on "Contemporary problems of geochemistry" Sept. 24 – 26, 2012, Kielce, Poland, Górka M., Lewicka-Szczebak D., Fuss R. and  Jędrysek M.-O., 2012, One-year spatial and temporal monitoring of concentration and carbon isotopic composition of atmospheric CO2 and CH4 in urban area (Wrocław, SW Poland) , Mineralogia – Special Papers 39: 47-48

The 2nd Conference on "Contemporary problems of geochemistry" Sept. 24 – 26, 2012, Kielce, Poland, Rybicki M., Górka M., Marynowski L., 2012, Detection of multiple organic matter sources in PM10 aerosol particles from Wrocław city using carbon isotope signature and molecular study, Mineralogia – Special Papers 39: 69-70

The 2nd Conference on "Contemporary problems of geochemistry" Sept. 24 – 26, 2012, Kielce, Poland, Zwolińska E., Górka M., Zwoździak A., Zwoździak J., Jędrysek M.-O., 2012, Carbon isotope analyses of PM10 dust in the vicinity of Bogatynia (SW Poland) as an indicator of anthropogenic impact, Mineralogia – Special Papers 39: 80

European Society For Isotope Research, XI Isotope Work., 04th-08th July 2011, Budapest, Hungary - Zwolińska E., Górka M., Malkiewicz. M., Lewicka-Szczebak D. and Jędrysek M.-O., 2011, Carbon and nitrogen isotopic analysis coupled with palynological data of PM10 dust in Wrocław city (SW Poland) – assessment of anthropogenic impact, Central European Geology, Vol.54/1-2 p.47 (2011)
European Society For Isotope Research, XI Isotope Work., 04th-08th July 2011, Budapest, Hungary - Ciężka M., Górka M., Modelska M., Jędrysek M-O., Staśko S., 2011, Chemical and isotopic yearly seasonal observations of the ammonia and nitrate in Wrocław (SW Poland) precipitation, Central European Geology, Vol.54/1-2 p.37 (2011)
European Society For Isotope Research, XI Isotope Work., 04th-08th July 2011, Budapest, Hungary - Górka M., Hałas S., Strąpoć D., Kufka D., Jędrysek M-O., 2011, 5-years (2004-2009) isotopic seasonal observations of the sulphates in Wrocław (SW Poland) precipitation, Central European Geology, Vol.54/1-2 p.39 (2011)

The 1st Conference on "Contemporary problems of geochemistry" Sept 27 – 30, 2010, Kielce, Poland - Górka M., Zwolińska E., Malkiewicz M., Lewicka-Szczebak D. and Jędrysek M.-O., 2010, Coupled carbon and nitrogen isotopic analysis with palynological data of PM10 dust in Wrocław city (SW Poland) – assessment of anthropogenic impact , Mineralogia – Special Papers 36: 45-47

European Society For Isotope Research, X Isotope Work., 22nd-26th June 2009, Złotniki Lubańskie, Poland - Górka M., Hałas S., Kufka D., Piaskowski J., Krzywka S. and Jędrysek M.-O., 2009, Preliminary data of 5-year isotopic seasonal observations of the sulphates in Wrocław (SW Poland) precipitation, Abstract book, p.93
European Society For Isotope Research, X Isotope Work., 22nd-26th June 2009, Złotniki Lubańskie, Poland - Górka M., Sauer P., Kilar M. and Jędrysek M.-O., 2009, Seasonal variations in the carbon isotopic composition of atmospheric CO2 and DIC(precipitation) in Wrocław (SW Poland), Abstract book, p.95

European Aerosol Conference (EAC2008) , 24-29 August 2008 Thessaloniki, Greece - A.Worobiec, E.A. Stefaniak, K. Van Meel, A.Buczyńska, R. Van Grieken, J. Zwoździak, A. Zwoździak , I. Sówka, M. Górka and M.O. Jędrysek, 2008, Pollution trends, chemical composition and origin of TSP and PM10 in selected health resorts of Lower Silesia, Poland, European Aerosol Conference. EAC2008, Thessaloniki, Greece, 24-29 August 2008. [B.m.] : [b.w.], 2008, abstr. T02A051P

European Society For Isotope Research, IX - Isotope Work., 23-28 June 2007, Cluj-Napoca, Romania - Górka M., Jędrysek M.O., Strąpoć D., 2007, Isotopic composition of precipitation sulphates as an indicator of pollutant origin in Wrocław (SW Poland) precipitations, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Geologia, 2007, 52 (1), pp. 30-31
European Society For Isotope Research, IX - Isotope Work., 23-28 June 2007, Cluj-Napoca, Romania - Drzewicki W., Trojanowska A., Jędrysek M.O., Lewicka-Szczebak D., Górka M., Hałas S., 2007, Diurnal variations of sulphate concentration and sulphur isotopic composition d34S) of sulphate ion in the Sulejow reservoir, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Geologia, 2007, 52 (1), p. 22

XX Zjazd Hydrobiologów Polskich ”, 4-8 wrzesień 2006, Toruń, Polska -Drzewicki W., Trojanowska A., Jędrysek M-O., Lewicka-Szczebak D., Górka M., Hałas S., 2006, Dobowe zmiany stężenia oraz składu izotopowego siarki (ð34S ) w jonie siarczanowym w zaporowym Zbiorniku Sulejowskim, Abstract book, 98

V Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa – Ochrona Powietrza w Teorii i Praktyce, Zakopane 25-27.10.2004 - Górka M., Jędrysek M.O., 2004, Analizy izotopowe stałych cząstek atmosferycznych i jonu siarczanowego wód opadowych jako narzędzie do ilościowej oceny stopnia antropopresji w centrum Wrocławia, Ochrona powietrza w teorii i praktyce (red. J. Konieczyński i R. Zarzycki), Zabrze 2004, pp. 141-152
11th Meeting of the Petrology Group of the Mineralogical Society of Poland Ustroń, October 14-17, 2004 - Górka M., Jędrysek M.O., 2004: Solid atmospheric particles and wet precipitations in Wrocław (SW Poland): mineralogical and isotopic preliminary studies., Pol. Tow. Mineral. Prace Spec. Zeszyt 24, 2004 : 179-182
European Society For Isotope Research, VII - Isotope Work., Graz, Austria, - Górka M. and Jędrysek M.O., 2004, C and S isotope variations in solid atmospheric particles and sulfate in precipitations in Wrocław (SW Poland)., Ber. Inst. Erdwissenschaften K.-F.-Univ.Graz.,Bd.8, Isot. Works Volume, Graz 2004, pp. 41-45

5th Biennial Congress of the Mineralogical Society of Poland And the Conference "Perspectives of the progress of the mineralogical sciences in Poland" - Cieszyn, September 19-21, 2003 - Górka M., Kozłowski A. and Jędrysek M.O., 2003, Carbon isotopes composition of fluid inclusions in ultramafic nodules from Lower Silesian Tertiary basaltoids., Pol. Tow. Mineral. Prace Spec., Zeszyt 22, 2003 : 61-65

European Society For Isotope Research, VI - Isotope Work., Tallinn, Estonia - Szynkiewicz A., Górka M., Jedrysek M.O., 2002, Carbon isotope composition in carbonates from Tertiary basaltic rocks and olivine xenoliths (SW Poland): mantle CO2 or crustal contamination?, European Society For Isotope Research, VI - Isotope Work., Tallinn, pp. 112-116.