



The deciphering of chemical and isotopic genesis and fluctuations of fine and ultra-fine PMx in the coastal area of Tri-city (Poland),  9th Meeting of the Mineralogical Society of Poland,   XXVIII Meeting of the Petrology Group of the Mineralogical Society of Poland19-22 October 2023, Bielawa, Poland



The impact of seasonality and meteorological conditions on PM2.5 carbonaceous fractions: advantages, weaknesses and interpretation pitfalls,  XXVII Meeting of the Petrology Group of the Mineralogical Society of Poland20-23 October 2022, Rudy, Poland



GHG’S carbon isotopes and mixing ratio from self-heating coal waste dump: geochemical interactions and environmental implications,  3nd Symposium “Air Quality and Health”, 12-14 May 2021, Wrocław, Poland (online)


Determination of environmental anthropogenic pressure in Lower Silesia (SW Poland) based on carbon isotopic and TC/OC/EC ratio approach in atmospheric PM10, European Society For Isotope Research, XV - Isotope Work., 23-27 June 2019, Lublin, Poland



Monitoring zafałszowań żywności - kontrola jakości miodów pszczelich,  XXII KONFERENCJA NOWOCZESNE METODY INSTRUMENTALNE W ANALIZIE ŚLADOWEJ 11-12 grudnia 2017, ŁÓDŹ

Greenhous gases (CO2/CH4) as a potential indicators of pollutants in local atmosphere: Karpacz city (SW Poland) case study, XXIV Session of the Petrology Group of the Mineralogical Society of Poland will be organized jointly with the Subcomission of Micromorphology and Soil Mineralogy of the Soil Science Society of Poland Isotopes as tools to understand the Earth and Environment” 19-22 October 2017, Pawłowice, Poland



Five-year record of stable sulphur isotope compositions in precipitation reveals multi-seasonal pattern (Wrocław, SW Poland),  XXIII Meeting of the Petrology Group of the Mineralogical Society of Poland20-23 October 2016, Stara Morawa, Poland 



Assessing environmental anthropogenic pressure in Lower Silesia based on atmospheric PM10: carbon isotopic and OC/EC ratio approach, IX Meeting of the Mineralogical Society of Poland combined with the XXII Session of the Petrology Section PTMin, the III Session of the Geochemistry Section PTMin and the VII Nationwide Conference “Petrological and mineralogical studies in geology”,“Contemporary challenges in the mineralogical sciences” 8-11 October 2015, Sandomierz, Poland 


Geochemical-isotopic monitoring of the atmospheric natural and anthropogenic components as a quality assessment tool for the environment, UQAM/GETOP Seminars, October 6, 2014, Montreal, Canada


Reorganizacja przyrodniczych studiów I, II i III stopnia na kierunku ochrona środowiska, Uniwersytet Wrocławski pod kątem wymagań KRK jak i zmieniającego się rynku pracy (dr hab. Krystyna Choma-Moryl, prof. nadzw., dr hab. Maciej Górka)XXI Ogólnopolska Konferencja Metodyczna pt. „Ochrona Środowiska na studiach przyrodniczych”, 2-4 września 2013, Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Wrocław


Assessing anthropogenic pressure on the Świętokrzyski National Park - preliminary results from a SCN multi-isotope approach from bioindicatorsXX Anniversary Meeting of the Petrology Group of the Mineralogical Society of Poland “From the deep Earth to the human’s environment”
17 – 20 October 2013, Niemcza, Poland 


One-year spatial and temporal monitoring of concentration and carbon isotopic composition of atmospheric CO2 and CH4 in a Polish city area, Joint European Stable Isotope Users group Meeting JESIUM 2012, Leipzig, September 2–7, 2012


One-year spatial and temporal monitoring of concentration and carbon isotopic composition of atmospheric CO2 and CH4 in urban area (Wrocław, SW Poland), The 2nd International Conference on „Contemporary Problems of Geochemistry” Kielce, Sept. 24–26, 2012


Nierównowaga izotopowa pomiędzy atmosferycznym dwutlenkiem węgla i DIC-em z wody opadowej - hipoteza wyjaśniająca problem, Odczyt na Posiedzeniu Instytutu Nauk Geologicznych UWr oraz PTG Oddział Wrocławski, 04.11.2010


Carbon isotopic analyses of atmospheric CO2 and solid organic particles as a possible tool of air quality assessment, Final Workshop of Bilateral Polish-Flemish grant, Univeristy of Antwerp, June 2,  2008


Monitoring zanieczyszczeń atmosfery z wykorzystaniem technik izotopowych, Odczyt na Posiedzeniu Instytutu Nauk Geologicznych UWr oraz PTG Oddział Wrocławski, 30.10.2008



Isotopic composition of precipitation sulphates as an indicator of pollutant origin in Wrocław (SW Poland) precipitation, European Society For Isotope Research, IX - Isotope Work., 23-28 June 2007, Cluj-Napoca, Romania


Analizy izotopowe stałych cząstek atmosferycznych i jonu siarczanowego wód opadowych jako narzędzie do ilościowej oceny stopnia antropopresji w centrum Wrocławia, 4th International Scientific Conference on Air Protection in Theory and Applications, October 25 – 27, 2004, Zakopane, Poland


Analizy izotopowe stałych cząstek atmosferycznych i jonu siarczanowego wód opadowych jako narzędzie do ilościowej oceny stopnia antropopresji w centrum Wrocławia, Odczyt na Posiedzeniu Instytutu Nauk Geologicznych UWr, 26.11.2004


Analizy izotopowe i analizy temperatur homogenizacji inkluzji w oliwinach z enklaw ultramaficznych, Odczyt na Posiedzeniu Instytutu Nauk Geologicznych UWr, 05.12.2003